Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Project 2
Oh, i supposed to be post this yesterday... haha! cause i keep doing this assign, no more time to post, and thursday before the presentation day, my computer suddenly shut down, very shock and angry, cause i many havent done, after check it, is the plug problem! haha, anyway, i very enjoy this assign... after done this, very happy!
Home page

When your mouse move to the left hand side, you will see the effect of each button. If you go to another page and want go to main page directly, you can click the logo.

When your mouse move on this character, you can see the words come out, momotaro, dog, monkey, pheasant, old man, old woma, and ogre. You can click on it to see each of the character introduction.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Today is already 1st of March, two day before I was sick, my head so night cant sleep well, but still went for class, perspective class start at 9am, I cant sleep more... I like sleeping!!! I have to wake up earlier to take ktm but becasue of my sick, my father fetch me, haha! Perspective class, do the project of bedroom design in 1 point perspective. What also need to draw in perspective... I think after I done this, I can be architect, haha... crazy! That day was the last tutorial class of cultural & society in Malaysia. Well, I found that our lecturer is a cool person. haha! So, tuesday and thursday no any cultural class, can say a bit free, but still got a lot of assignment. Yesterday also not feeling well, felt cool... oh ya, the project 2 of digital design, I have choose the story of japanese of folklore, Momotaro. It can say is my 1st time do something about japanese, I start to like the japanese dolls, it is cool and stylish, haha! Before that I hate some kinds of dolls especially barbie dolls, when I saw it I will throw it out!!! I also dont know why I hate them! This project 2 challenge me...plan flow chart, interactive interface design, character design... I dont know how to draw character... anyway, I trust myself, soon will see how i create the Momotaro, haha!